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When you add a Favorite or Rate a wine highly, we know you’ll want to taste it again – especially if it goes on sale.
By updating your Wine Preferences, we’ll know exactly the kinds of wines you love (or don’t) and can tailor offers and special cases to your tastes.
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Please select the state to which you would like to have your wine shipped. If your state is not listed on the drop-down menu below we regret that we are unable to ship to you at this time.
Thank you for choosing Wine Dock's site.
Wine Dock Co. is a Michigan licensed retailer who is able to accept, fulfill, and ship your order for wine in the state of Michigan.
In accordance with the null Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control all orders for wine must be placed with a licensed null wine retailer. WSJwine along with its marketing partners has chosen state_retailer_.
state_retailer_ is a null licensed retailer who is able to accept fulfill and ship your order for WSJwine in the state of null. Should you have any questions regarding state_retailer_ please contact customer service at 1-877-975-9463.